Saturday, April 2, 2011

It's warming up!!

Greetings! It's April 2nd and things are starting to happen outside. Lots of water this year due to the rains and melting. My remaining post holes are filled with 2 ft of water still as a result of our high aquafier being so close to the lake. Things are begining to show up around the porch area. The Tigers are up about 2 inches or so and the Lambs Ear just began to peek up yesterday. I'll be walking the whole yard later and seeing what else is "waking" up.

I will be continuing the fence work the next week or so to ensure it is up before the scrub grows in. I am adding 5 more wooden posts to Murphy's side and green staking the back "40". The green staking is going to be helpful when Lisa begins her dog agility area because they can be moved and repositioned to make an obstacle course or a maze or a run. The topsoil for the flower burm has been ordered for the bottom of the fence on the street side. Then we'll decide what kind of climbers we can put in. We've decided against painting the fence and posts and hope the climbers produce some good cover and hide any fencing that may rust over the years.

Here is Jada the cat, our newest addition who showed up in our basement in February during the really bad weather. I went down to do some laundry and heard a little meow and she came out from beneath the work table, skinny wet and cold. So now she is getting her weight and coat back and has decided that she now lives here. She is SUPER affectionate and is always waiting for me in the basement. We have no idea where she came from or why, but anyone who knows us will attest that no animal is ever turned away at our house.

Enjoy the warming trend and have a great week!

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